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A Toy Decluttering Guide

by Grace Wood 31 Mar 2021 0 Comments
A Toy Decluttering Guide

Toys: They can sometimes feel like they are taking over. Toys in bedrooms, toys in the living room, toys in the garden, even in the kitchen! The Maqio team are here to help with some useful and practical tips to help reduce toy clutter in your life.

Quality Over Quantity

Both you and your children will see the benefit of choosing toys their for quality (workmanship) and their purpose (playability) rather than for quantity or clever marketing. Having too many toys can be overwhelming and toys that offer more for your child can become lost in the din, keeping kid’s toy collections small ensure they will play with all their toys, which gets more use for the money spent too.

Set Allocated Confined Space for Toys

Whether it is storage boxes, shelves or a cupboard, set aside a confined physical space where all your child’s toys can fit. Once that space is full, there is no more room to add more toys. This helps children understand boundaries and responsibility.

Purge Often

When that allocated storage space for your children’s toys is filled up is a great time to sit down and go through your toy collection. Removing toys and games that your kids no longer play with or use is a great place to start and shouldn’t take too long. You can donate any toys that are still in good working condition to medical centres, charity shops, schools or local crisis centres. Doing this often can keep clutter down greatly.

Avoid Duplicate Toys

Nothing is worse than your child ending up with a pile of toys that are exactly the same. A good way to avoid this is by telling relative what toys to buy your child for special occasions and never mention the same toy to more than one person, or you will certainly end up with duplicates.

Teach Your Kids Wisely

Get your kids involved in the purging process. Help them make the decisions about which toys should stay which toys should go. Having them involved in the decision making helps them understand why you are doing what you are doing and teach them the value of keeping their things organised and in good condition.

Keeping fewer toys will never be an easy task, it will always take thought and stubbornness to keep on top of but it is worth it for a less toy cluttered throughout your living space. It is great to teach kids that they are much more than the things they have too and is always worth the effort.

What are your toy decluttering techniques? Do you do any of these tips already? Tell us your experience with toy decluttering in the comments below.

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