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Baby Toys Buying Guide

by Grace Wood 13 Jul 2021 0 Comments
Baby Toys Buying Guide

Baby toys stimulate the senses, exercise developing muscles, and make priceless smiles and giggles. Many baby toys are specifically designed to assist your baby develop, using new abilities like motor skills, visual comprehension, and language. You’ll find all kinds of age-appropriate baby toys here at Maqio to assist your newborn, infant, or toddler learn and grow to their heart’s content.

Baby Toys for Newborns (0-6 Months)

While newborns haven't yet developed visual focus or muscular control, they're already sensing their new world. Baby toys that have vivid colours and make engaging noises are great for young babies. Since they're horizontal most of the time and haven't learned to manoeuvre around yet, activity sets that rest on the ground or attach to cribs, car seats, and strollers are good toys for this stage.

  • Crib toys & accessories: Colourful, sturdy crib toys help to stay baby content. These are often noisemakers with moving parts or plush companions to stay baby company. Bright shapes during a mobile above the crib can fascinate and calm a fussy infant; even more so if it plays music.


  • Rattles and teethers: When your newborn is teething, a chewable ring/teether or rattle can help. Put rattles and teethers within the refrigerator when not in use. When it's needed, the coolness can help relieve your baby's sore gums.


  • Sensory baby toys: Developmental toys (toys geared to helping babies acquire age-appropriate skills) at this age give babies things to squeeze that resound and move. Toys with built-in rattles or squeakers help babies learn that their actions cause things to happen.


  • Activities, play gyms: Hang an activity bar over your baby's crib or seat , or found out an activity centre or play mat on the ground . These give babies tons of options for gasping, teething, exploring, or simply looking around. Activity sets are available a good sort of shapes and sizes. search for ones with sound and bright colours that are specifically made for infants.


  • Soft baby books: It's never too early to start out reading to your baby. Soft books establish good family reading habits. Sturdy cloth or thick cardboard pages also offer greater durability as baby “discovers” an honest book.

Toys for Infants (6-12 Months)

In this stage of life, your baby learns amazing things: moving by himself, exerting control over objects, identifying favourite playthings, and far more. Toys for development can involve moving mechanisms and fundamental puzzle solving. The baby toys you give them at this stage should be interactive and durable—they're getting to take tons of punishment.

  • Activity tables: Colourful buttons, big bright switches, unbreakable mirrors, and perhaps a noisemaker or two are all built into activity panels and tables. Some are designed to assist support newly walking babies, holding them upright while keeping them curious about what their hands can do.


  • Stuffed animals/Plush: At this age, babies are getting to start acquiring favourite baby toys, and few are more favoured than that plush bear, dog, or baby doll that your baby begins to spot with warmth and luxury .


  • Balls: When babies start crawling they will begin rolling and tossing soft, lightweight balls with much glee. As they grow, the sort of ball they like may change, but from now on your kids are likely to enjoy them, all the way through baseball league and intramural sports.


  • Blocks: Dexterity will improve gradually in reference to blocks. The youngest babies may start to stack two or three blocks then enjoyment of knocking them down. By two years, they'll be stacking them higher, and by preschool, interlocking blocks will keep them amused for hours.

Toys for Toddlers (1-2 Years)

As your child grows, the toys they will want to play with will run the gamut from art supplies to ride-on cars to stackable blocks. Two-year-olds learn greater independence as they begin speaking in sentences, learn to decorate themselves, and start to use the potty. Three- and 4-year-olds love imaginative play and are able to turn a climber into a rocket ship.

  • Outdoor toys: Balls to throw, bounce, catch, and roll are always fashionable kids, both inside and out. When your child walks with balance, you'll begin to introduce whiffle balls, miniature basketball hoops, life preserver , and other age-appropriate sporting goods .


  • Games and puzzles: board games and Memory games will support your toddler's brain development.


  • Child versions of adult things: Kids are still into kid-sized hammers and drills; stoves and dishes; and cars and boats. Playing during a playhouse with durable plastic props lets their imagination bloom. do not forget musical instruments: a toy drum or penny whistle will delight your toddler. Costumes also are fun at this age, enhancing play within the land of make .


  • Books: As children begin to talk more fluently, they will understand more complicated stories and even morals. 

    We always recommend reading and checking the manufacturers specification and recommendations for if the item is suitable for your child and their age.  range.
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